Sunday, March 29, 2015

Easter and Stuff

When my kids were young I would go all out every holiday with decorations. Now that they are older I have minimized it down a lot 
 but I still love all the cute things that go with the holidays
(focus on the mirror not the messy desk in the mirror lol)
 with Easter comes pansies, I just love pansies they are such happy little flowers
 I did not buy one thing except for the pansies
 (they were .33 you can't pass that up)
 with no money spent, I think everything turned out rather

Happy Sunday Folks


  1. Sunflower04220 InstagramMarch 31, 2015 at 11:14 PM

    Same boys are 16 & 18 now so
    I don't decorate as much either!

  2. Sunflower04220 InstagramMarch 31, 2015 at 11:16 PM

    And oh yeah,,, your decorating looks great!��

  3. thank you! Mine are
    18 and 22 makes me a little sad


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