Thursday, September 22, 2011

Its a little about me

Miki posted this yesterday so I thought I would play along
* Optional self-portrait

A guilty pleasure ---Sometimes I will spend a whole day just reading I love doing this

A pet peeve---loud eaters

A color with a funny name---bright star

Something you can totally live without---coke cola  I miss read this the a first time I thought it said could not live with out  lol I am crazy the answer would be meat

A made up word you use---wallago (its a southern thing lol) while ago

A word you have trouble pronouncing and/or spelling---specific 

Something you'd rescue from the 80s---Madonna :)

Female/male names you like--- Timber and Scout (boy or girl)

If you could be a movie character for a day, who would you choose?---Carrie from Sex and the city

Play along

Happy weekend to you all


  1. Great post! And I love the name timber!

  2. Timber is a nice name! haha that wallago thing made me laugh!

  3. This was cute! My southern word is "fixin'" EVERYONE made fun of me when I used that one. Example: I'm fixin' to go to the store.

  4. Cute! I would probably pick Charlotte from Sex and the City!!!

  5. Awe, thank you so much for having done it! ;D I need to start using "wallago", hehe, it sounds cute. And I wish I couldn't live without Coke :( ... I'm so addicted to it :(.

    Hope you have a fun weekend and thanks again! ;D



  6. haha I totally miss read that I thought it said could not live without because I have to have my coke cola lol

  7. Thanks so much! I read that you only live 45 minutes from Athens? I used to live in Franklin Springs!


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