Friday, October 7, 2011

Favorite New Fall Shows

 2 Broke Girls was not sure at first but I really like it (lose the laugh track pls)
 seriously you know me and horror movies lol (don't let the kids watch)
 love love love I have watched the first three episodes like three or four times I just love it
 I love this era I always thought I should have been born in the '50's... I think I might have been one of these girls

What shows are you watching?

Car hunting in the morn ugh I hate stuff like this

Have a great weekend dolls



  1. I also love Pan Am and 2 Broke Girls! I have too many things recording when New Girl comes on!

  2. I'm a bit disappointed with New Girl, honestly. I watched the first episode and felt I had seen it already from the previews. I didn't pay much attention to the second or third. I think Damon Wayans was a big loss.

    I do like Pan Am so far :). Hope it doesn't get cancelled!

    Have a nice long weekend, Carrie! ;D

  3. LOVE the New Girl, and I hear 2 Broke Girls is good! I want to see it!

    Thanks for being a follower! I follow you too :-)

  4. I really like 2 Broke Girls (which surprised me) and New Girl. I wish my ABC channel came in better so I could watch Pan Am and stay on top of Grey's better. I'm still way addicted to Vampire Diaries and my crime shows like Criminal Minds.

  5. I AM obsessed with the New Girl!! It wasn't on this week and I can't see that it's scheduled to air at all in the next couple weeks...hopefully they record some shows soon! I am SO freaked out by AHS but at the same time...I just cannot stop watching twisted. I was up in the air about 2 Broke Girls too but I'm sticking with of those shows that I'm not SUPER excited about but I don't want to miss it either! I watch far too much TV...Criminal Minds, Parks and Recreation, Always Sunny in DVR is crammed!


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