Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Day Off

First I thought I would share some randomness around the home 

Dixie getting caught in the act!

 I sold my baby I still love her but when your 15 year old son is almost 6 foot tall its not to practical any more :(
 Glitch being weird sleeping in the laundry
 Dixie watching Dexter lol
 our scarecrows at work they turned out pretty cute
 my latest project I worked on this last night while watching The New girl I am loving this show are you watching?
today is my day off so on the agenda

~going to some thrift stores
~making pumpkin muffins
~Taco Bell

I am off I hope everyone is having a beautiful day 


  1. The New Girl is so good! And loving the Amazing Race- snowborders are one of my faves but I also like "Ma and Pa!" haha

    Is that a quilt you're making?

  2. I've had a Beetle for 10 years now and I still love it! I actually got mine when my son got his license and his own car. Then it was me time....

  3. I miss my blue bug! :)


  4. Definitely a fan of the New Girl. I'm also really liking 2 Broke Girls. It's funnier than I thought it would be.

  5. Did you say Pumpkin Muffins?!?!?!?


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