Friday, October 28, 2011

Photo Dump Friday

 Yes another picture of Glitch lol
 me trying again to take an outfit pic I am done 
 these are the cutest they are yarn dolls!!!
 Roasted corn yes please

 me doing what I do best ;)

Happy Halloween Weekend!!!!



  1. Love the pic of Glitch!Those yarn dolls are adorable, where can you find them? Your fire makes me miss our big fire pit we had in the backyard of our old house, some of the best times I've had have been around the bon fires :)
    Hope you have a great weekend!!

  2. Oooh! What a perfect week for a bonfire! And those roasted toasted corn nuts look yummy! I hope you have a great weekend. Did you decide what to dress up as for Halloween?

  3. That last picture looks oddly familiar. Me propped up in my recliner on the computer :p



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