Thursday, December 22, 2011

3 days to go

Are you getting excited about Christmas?
 We are... today is Johnny's last day of work until some time next week

 I have been stalking the UPS man all day
 Tomorrow we are going over some friends for grilled steaks and gift exchange
 Christmas eve is going to be so fun we are cooking a big dinner for the family, baking and playing games 

Every night this week I have been watch Family Channel's 25 days of Christmas
and listening to She and Him Christmas album I love it

Is anyone getting *~*SNOW*~*?

We are under a tornado warning tonight weird

If I don't post before Christmas I hope everyone has a safe and happy day




  1. your little world is looking *seriously* festive!! (Love the fact that you have a green coffee table & red shelving!)

    Our Christmas has begun already because we've been having different celebrations with different parts of the family! It's a little strange but we are definitely in a festive mood :D

    Have a lovely time this weekend!

  2. Aww so cheerful & Christmas-y! I love your decor :)

  3. Merry Christmas Carrie! I hope ya'll have a wonderful time together with family!

  4. Hi, Carrie! I'm glad you liked the post and are going to do it ;). I was going to start letting the people I tagged know about it and then we had company over, hehe.

    I love the Christmas decor in your house! ;)

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! ;D



  5. Merry Christmas! I can't believe it's almost here.

  6. Our Georgia weather is just too weird this year! We had a little tornado touch down here in Rome yesterday! I want snow!!! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  7. Such lovely decorations you have!
    Crazy that you have a tornado watch around Christmas! We usually have blizzards, but we have had barely any snow yet.
    Hope you have a wonderful holiday, my dear!

  8. oh wow what wonderful decorations! I only have a christmas tree this year, but go crazy next year and make my house look like santa's grotto lol. Have a Merry Christmas Carrie! xx


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