Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Another rainy day in Georgia

Usually when it rains on my day off it kinda puts me in a funk but today I decide to just enjoy it for what it is and enjoy the things around me 
like my Georgia snowman ♥ 
 10 dollars off at Victoria Secret woot woot
 sweet snuggling puppies
 my Hello Kitties 
 thinking about stocking stuffers they are my favorite thing to buy at Christmas
 staying in my pj's most of the day
 finishing up projects :)
 and of course our beautiful tree
What are you enjoying today?

Trying out a new recipe tonight for supper I will let ya'll know how it turns out

I Pinterest



  1. The sun's actually starting to shine here and the rain has stopped...thank goodness! I'm just catching up on my blogging and enjoying the sights and sounds of Christmas!

  2. i love your little snowman with the football! so southern-y and cute(: speaking of snow, did you hear it's snowing in Mississippi?! i wonder if it's coming our way(alabama, me-you, georgia)!
    thanks for leaving me a sweet comment on my blog! i am a new follower.(:

  3. Tis the season for cuddling with the pups! :) Your tree looks beautiful!!

  4. PJs and crochet sound like the perfect rainy day remedy. It's pretty rainy here, too.

  5. I love pj days! Glad you were able to make the best of your day off :)

  6. What a cool collection of Hello Kitties! :p I got that $10 gift card from VS, too :). Well, it got here under David's name, hahaha!

    And your puppy looks so cute!!!

    Hope you're having a great day, Carrie! :D

    And, hey, would you send me your address so I can send you a card? ;)

  7. It's been so dark outside here lately too. I've had my tree lit almost all day. Definitely a mood booster.

  8. *jealous* - I totally want to snuggle with a puppy!


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