Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Little Date

Johnny and I had a little date today which is rare because he works alot so we went to Longhorn Steak House courteous of his daddy and stepmom
stuffed mushrooms yes
Flo's Filet double yes!!!!
 we had gift cards to spend Johnny got some cool shoes and clothes

Goonies for life

 I had to exchange my TOMS they were too small so I ended up with the silver ones but I really like them too
 you know I had to stop in at Hobby Lobby ♥

Had a wonderful day!!!


  1. looks like a fun date! I have the silver toms and love them. They've held up well! Going on 2 years and going strong! I'm just itching for a new pair ;)

  2. Yay for glittery Toms and stuffed mushrooms! ;)


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