Monday, February 13, 2012


I swear this weekend just flew by on Saturday we did some shopping but first we had to stop at Chick Fil A

I did not take alot of picture I don't know why I guess too much shopping
 Noah bought these paparazzi sunglasses lol
I got this cute water bottle, some cute boots, a hipster bag, and some make up 

 Sunday was pure laziness I watched Netflix all day 

How was your weekend?


  1. Oh, you can't beat Chick Fil-A! Love that place! What a cute water just screams your name! We had a nice weekend, but it was so COLD!!!

  2. Oh I love Chick Fil A. Have you seen the recipe to make it at home? I have it pinned on pinterest (and it actually tastes just like the real thing!) Looks like you had a great weekend! Love the water bottle :)

  3. Lol. We need a photo of that hipster bag. :-)


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