Thursday, May 24, 2012

Life Lately

I am sitting in bed writing this post so if it gets a little random forgive me
so I thought I would write about things that are going on right now in my world as I watch Criminal Minds
 *We are having a Memorial Day party on Saturday I am completely not prepared
*Noah is turning 16 in June not prepared lol

 *Stressing out about some stuff prayers please
*I really need to do something crafty soon
*our garden is looking really good
 *We are enjoying living in the country except for the crazy bugs ugh
* A Patron saying something rude about me
 *Feeling blessed for my family and friends
*playing lots of board games
 *Summer food
*Grilling out almost everyday :)
 *Hanging out with friends
*laying out
 *Watching Murder She Wrote every night
*Reading The Walking Dead
Like I said random but that is how I feel right now


  1. Sending prayers for peace for you.
    I like the randomness - it's fun!

  2. Yum I want some of that barbeque! Thanks for sharing your randomness :)

  3. Hi, Carrie! Your niece looks really sweet :). Hope everything works out great whatever it is that's bugging you.

    Hey, I need your new address to be able to send you your package. I have it ready to go since yesterday. If you e-mail me your address today I might be able to send it tomorrow.

    Have fun this long weekend! ;D


  4. mmm grilling out sounds amazing! x


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