Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hello out there

sorry i have been mia lately we have so much going on as a family that i honestly just have not had the time to blog :(
here is alittle catch up blog post 
 johnny turned the big 40
 we celebrated with friends
 i am still crocheting alot
 we are moving again 2012 has not been that kind to our family but i am praying that things are going to get better
 we had a great thanksgiving
please stick around i promise i will be back in full force and with a new house to decorate!!!


1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the move. My husband just lost his job of 16+ years when Hostess shut down operations. We never thought we'd be in this boat either as we've both held W2 jobs since we were age 15. I hope 2013 turns out better for both of us. We may be moving this summer too as we can't hang onto the house much longer on unemployment. Praying for the best for you.


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