Monday, December 10, 2012

Life Lately

Since moving we have been enjoying lots of movies with popcorn of course
 some Christmas shopping (aren't these the cutest shoe ever)
 kitty snuggles
 and pizza delivery oh how I have missed you!
What's up with ya'll lately?


  1. I am loving your house photos, though I think that is a different post...I am doing a 12 Days of Christmas for my kids' teachers, which is just crazy! Fun, but crazy!
    Mmmm...popcorn, think I'm going to have to make some soon!

  2. Yum, pizza delivery!

  3. Merry Christmas, Carrie! ;D Hope you got to celebrate it with the fam, ate a lot of yummy foods and got cute presents!

    I send you a tight hug (with really short nails, hahaha)! :p


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