Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine's Day at the Library

I saw this idea on Thinkgeek so I thought it would be perfect for us to do at work!

 all the staff picked out books that they have enjoyed reading. I wrapped them all in plain brown paper slapped on some hearts and stickers
 then labeled the books

check out this book, take it home, and unwrap it. Show it your favorite spots to read, share you favorite snacks or show it off to your friends.

Who knows, maybe there's a future for the two of you?

this book seeks (insert genre) lovers.

Cute right!
Did I mention I love my job!!!



  1. GASP! This is BRILLIANT!!!!! I will have to suggest this next year.

  2. LOOOOOOOVE this idea. I would totally grab a book just to see what I'd get!

  3. what a great idea!!! SO much fun!!!

  4. IF only my library did this! I would be all over this.

  5. This is such a cute idea! Did it go over well?

  6. I love this! It's such a neat idea!!

  7. I am going to do this at my FEB Book Club meeting. Members can hand out books to friends and co workers. We always have good books that can be shared with others...


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