Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The five picture challenge

I saw this on Shannon's blog http://thedavisfamilynwa.blogspot.com/. It is the picture challenge take five pictures around your house that says something about you. This was very fun but my batteries in my camera died after the fifth picture so I had to just go with what I had. Oh well, give it a try and let me know so I can check them out!

This is a picture of Brinsley and Noah when they were young, it will always remind me of their childhood and how lucky I am to have these beautiful children in my life.

My books everyone that knows me knows I love books, they just call to me. I have a closet full of them because I just can't get rid of any of them. But that is ok because now Brinsley has started to work her way through them.

This is my memory board of family, friends, and special items that define me

This is very special to me I drew this for Johnny one year for our Annv. I just think it is so us.

This chair represents my thrifty side I found two of these and a side table that matches at a thrift store I love them!

So take the challenge its fun!

Have a great day!



Shannon said...

Hey! I'm glad you did this! I am right there with you on the books! I can't part with mine either but I read them over and over again. I loved the painting!

Robyn Beele said...

Such a cute idea! I am going to do this as soon as I have the chance.