Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I am very upset

This morning Johnny was stacking some firewood and Caleigh our cat (that is alittle crazy) was running in and out of Johnny's legs like Kitty's do, well Johnny threw a piece of wood down. Caleigh went to attack it and it hit her in the head. Her nose was bleeding and now she is just laying in a basket. She will let me pick her up and is purring but that's it. She is normally a very active little thing. I called the vet's office he is out of town his assistance said to just watch her. Okay what am I watching for! I hope she is going to be okay Johnny feels awful now he is at work until 10 o'clock tonight!

Sorry I haven't been around the last couple of days all I have to say is our Internet provider sucks! I have got alot of catching up to do. Have a great day!
BTW go to Darlene's Day for her 100th post giveaway! Also Ruth Ann is having a Halloween give away!


Valarie Lea said...

Oh I hope the kitty is ok! Bless its little heart :(

the undomesticated wife said...

:( Aw, I hope she's ok!

Ruth Ann said...

Awww poor kitty! I'm sure she'll be fine, cats always bounce back!

Darlene said...

Oh no....I do hope she is alright. Poor thing...I am such a softie for animals I can't stand it when they get hurt :(

April said...


I'm so sorry to hear the news about your kitty! I hope she'll be alright. They give such unconditional love and it's heartbreaking when they're hurt or sick.

Anonymous said...

I hope kitty is going to be okay. Poor thing.

Shell in your Pocket said...

Oh my...I hope your kitty is feeling better soon! Hang in there!
-Sandy Toes

Daphine said...

I hope that Caleigh will be okay.

Glad to see you back with us. You'll have to let your internet provider know that this blogland is serious business and losing the internet for more than a day is just not acceptable. lol!

BK said...

OH man!!! Have you tried calling the new vet in Hartwell, Dr. Ellis? He's at Paw's and Claws Animal Hospital beside Dominos and he is the best.

I hope she's ok!!!!

Meg said...

Aww poor kitty! Glad she's ok though!

Darlene said...

Is there an update??? How is Caleigh doing now?

Nicole said...

Your poor kitty, I hope she gets feeling better soon.

Jeni said...

Awww, I hope she gets better soon. It's so sad to see an animal especially your own pet hurt. We are cat people...orange tabby named Orange Juice. I saw a comment that said cats usually bounce back fast and I agree, but I wouldn't let her outside till she is better.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel - I haven't been on here for over a week b/c work has been crazy and I don't think I will ever catch up!

Robyn Beele said...

Oh my goodness! I hope that Caliegh is okay! Let me know!

Unknown said...

She is doing ok but she still is just kinda laying around thanks for everyone asking!

Ms. Tee said...

Oh, I'm so sorry about your sweet little kitty. Hopefully she'll be ok - maybe she's bruised a little? Our kitty recently got bit by what we think might've been a snake, and it took her a week to recover. Hugs to you :)

Cottage Rose said...

Oh Carrie; I hope she will be okay. I will say a prayer for her. It is so hard to see them hurting when they can't even tell you where it hurts. Poor baby. Be strong.

Hugs for both of you

Trudi said...

Oh I don't leave many post right now, but I just had to. I hope your kitty is doing much better. I've thought of her often today. Is she eating?

FlipFlop Mom said...

OH.. POOR kitty kitty... how is she now???? Poor little girl!!!!

Sorry about your internet provider.. :(

Belinda said...

Hope your baby is feeling better soon!!

Our Complete Family said...

Awww. Carrie, I hope she is feeling better today. Poor kitty. She is a cutie pie! I bet she has a great purrrr! Hugs, Les

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

Aww I'm sorry, I hope she feels like her normal little self sooo soon!

Lindsey said...

Aww poor kitty. I hope she feels better. Love your blog!