Wednesday, October 15, 2008


How cute is this I made it on very cool site. I am going to try to make me a new header if anyone has any tips please share.



Anonymous said...

Oh cool!! I'm going to check it out right now!! ~Jill :)

Marie said...

That's very cute! I've never checked that site out before.

Jill -Forever and Ever House said...

very cool. It reminds me of I am a digital scrapbooker and I also subscribe to this for the times when I don't have time to complete a detailed page.

Cottage Rose said...

Hey Carrie; I love your scrap book blog pages so cute. I have not heard of it until now. So thanks for letting us know about it, I am on my way.

Have a great Thursday;


Valarie Lea said...

That is really cute, but I have no tips for you. :(

{oc cottage} said...

I haven't figured that out either...
hope someone has a great tip!

M ^..^

Daphine said...

Pretty neat! I'm a scrapper and I've never heard of this site either. I'll have to check it out.

Sorry...I have no tips on the new header. I actually think that yours is darn cute already.

Robyn Beele said...

So cute and I am in the pictures!! I am going to check it out!

Shell in your Pocket said...

So cute...I was playing around with that is addictive!
-Sandy Toes

April said...

That is so neat!! I might have to hop on over and check it out. Hope it's easy to do because I am not computer literate!! :)

Rae said...

Fun stuff! I know so little about customizing my blog I finally paid a professional to design one for me!! I should have it up and running within the next two weeks!

Darlene said...

That is so cute....I'll have to check out the site.

Anonymous said...

I've seen that site and it is very neat but I try not to go there as I fear that I may never leave there. I could easily get sucked in for hours!

The Berry's Patch said...

That's totally cute. I'm going to check them out. :-)

Jenni said...

Hi Carrie~
That is so cute! I love what you did with your Halloween pictures. I'll have to have a look at that site! :)

Have a great weekend! :)

Jeni said...

whoa...this is WAY cute!

Chanda said...

Very cool, I'll have to go check out the site. You poor dear, I know all about the coca cola addiction. I am drinking coke right now and have all day. We both need help. Ha!