I was tagged by Kaelah to give seven facts about me so I have thought about this what to write so i thought I would do something a little different I am going to give you seven things that drive me bonkers!
All of these things make my teeth itch ;0
1. Wet shoes squeaking on the floor like in school and that annoying little kid keeps rubbing his feet back and forth to make that awful noise! AAARRRGGGG
2. Styrofoam rubbing together (I have a hate for noise apparently)
3. Invading my personal space this is a big no no (even for Johnny unless he is invited too haha)
4. Satin enough said just saying the word bothers me
5. Crowds I get very anxious in big crowds
6. Messy houses
7. Dirty kids
Okay now you know I am a weird girl do you still love me?
Tag you are it!
Hugs and Loves
Carrie aka weirdo (lol)
Questions will be answered on Friday so be sure to ask away!
haha, I have to say everything on your list bothers me too!!! so we can be weird together!!! The pics of ANdrew are adorable, he is a cutie pie!!!
I'm weird too then because just about everything on that list applies to me too!!!!
Andrew is the cutest little thing!!! I just wanna squeeze on those cutie little cheeks!!!!
I have to say your not alone. Almost everything on that list goes for me too. I could add a list ontop of that list--heehee
The little man is so cute.
Omg! he is so freaking cute! Look at those cheeks :)
Some of those things bug me too!
Andrew is such a doll!
I am sooooo with you on the styrofoam thing. It makes my teeth clench as I type this.
Look at my baby!!! I am sure he had a wonderful time! Thank again!
eeekkk these are some horrible things! Cute pics of Andrew!
First of all, you are not a weirdo! I have a huge problem with certain noises, too! Oh, and I am with you on the whole messy house thing! :)
It looks like you had such a fun day with Andrew~ he is so cute! :)
I hope you are having a great week! :)
Andrew is so cute!
My husband will not eat off of styrofoam. He can't stand the sound either! Also, a messy house puts me into an anxiety attack! So, you aren't weird!
What a cutie - I love that age!!
Loved those facts about you - I think you are awesome!!!
Glad to see I'm not alone with almost everything on your list! haha. Another things that bother me: wooden popsicle sticks anywhere near my teeth.
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