Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Rainy Night

I just got home from work, an interesting afternoon for sure, I found a 24oz. Miller High Life in the non-fiction section lol weird stuff happens at the library for sure!

Its raining so a slipped in my pj's 
 I plan on crocheting the night away... catching up on some tv
 and eating this delish chicken pizza that Johnny made for supper!!!
 Oh yea I wanted to share my salt and pepper shakers that I got a The Dollar Store how cute are they I have a slight obsession with salt and pepper shakers I will have to show my collection one day 
I am off to enjoy my rainy evening 



  1. i just started collecting salt and pepper shakers over the summer...i love them! your new ones are so cute and perfectly seasonal! please share your collection soon :)

  2. This sounds like a great way to spend a rainy night. I'm going to go put the laptop away and pull out my knitting project :)

  3. Miller High Life in the non-fiction section, would love to know what books that person was looking at :)
    Sounds like an awesome way to spend a rainy evening! That pizza looks yummy :) Love your salt and pepper shakers, they are soo cute!
    (I actually crocheted today! I made a thin infinity scarf :) )

    Hope you have a great evening!!

  4. Hi Carrie ~ Thanks for visiting my blog. :o) I love the way your granny square afghan is looking!

  5. What a perfect way to spend a rainy night! That pizza looks yum!

  6. Hey cool, I work at the library too! And I agree, lots of weird things happen. The crochet project is looking great! I just learned to crochet 2 nights ago, and I can't wait til I get that good.

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :) Sounds like you had a cozy fall evening last night! :)

  8. That pizza looks AMAZING! I'll take the recipe :D
    And, I love cute salt and pepper shakers, so be sure to post about your collection!


  9. sounds like a great night! p.s Love your shirt!

  10. that pizza looks so freakin good!! and those shakers are my fav from the collection :)

  11. My husband would probably want that T-shirt, hehe. He's got the Stewie (from Family Guy) Star Wars PJs, hehe. Can you believe I'd never seen a Star Wars movie until I got here? I'm not too into them, but I'm trying, ha.



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