Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Salt and Pepper Shakers With A Little Pyrex on the side

I thought I would share my little shaker collection 
pretty fall leaves
 sorry the pictures are alittle dark its still rainy here, a friend gave me these sweet little pears
 cute little fish
 I got these at an antique mall 
 these are my favorite I think lol
the tupperware ones being a near second they remind me of picnics when I was little :)
 Fiesta Ware a present from my mom
 Brinsley bought these at the beach for me
 here is where my shakers live among the pyrex and other goodies

What do you collect I would love to see?



  1. I love your salt&pepper shakers! The owls are super cute! I agree, the tupperware ones remind me of being little too! My mom still uses Tupperware Salt&pepper shakers :)
    About the only thing I collect is craft supplies haha. Although I do have a large collection of skulls for Halloween :)

    Hope you are having a great day!

  2. I love those with the striped red-fuscia fish. I collect stamps and tissues :)
    Have a look at my blog and if you like it then why dont we follow each other :)
    Have a nice day ♥

  3. I've been looking for the perfect set of salt and pepper shakers and am failing. This is good inspiration!

    PS: I love your blog design/banner/navigation. So cute!

  4. so cute!! the owls are definitely my favourite as well. also, the plastic ones remind me of my gramma and grandpa as they always had tall white ones with blue letters S and P on them! i should show you my collection :)

  5. aww i love salt and pepper shaker collections!! too cute. i also love the display with all of your dishes, i wish i had a hutch like that. i dont think i have any cute collections like that, because my husband thinks i'm a hoarder haha. one of these days i'll get it together ;)

  6. I am in love with the owl S+P shakers!!

    Hmm, I collect shoes, Sailor Moon, and antique items you'd like to see!

    Missing Amsie Blog

  7. Super adorable! I love the owls!

    xo katie

  8. hey carrie. these are so stinkin cute. so happy I came across your blog. totally following. I'd love if you'd check out my style and fashion blog and see if you'd like to follow. I'd love to hear what you think of my JewelMint photo shoot. thanks love. xo
    Adventures of a southern girl turned LA stylist.

  9. Wow, the owls are amazing! You have a lovely collection:)

  10. This is such a fun collection!! The owls are my favourite, so cute.

  11. those are so cute!!! I want to come steal half of your Pyrex collection! I just got a piece from my Grandma who passed away, and I LOVE it! :D

  12. Seeing so many great collections online make me really want to start one! I love the pears.

  13. the little deer ones are perfect.
    i have always wanted to start a pyrex collection..after seeing your amazing collection i might have to start. :)

  14. i love all the pyrex! i collect postcards

  15. I love the deer! What a cute collection! We bought some cute ghost shakers when David last visited me in Buenos Aires, but one broke, boo :/ ...

    I love collecting stationery ... OR what I call stationery, i.e. cereal and tissue boxes, cards, pieces of colorful paper and what-not, hehe.

    Have a great Friday, Carrie! ;D



  16. I love your collection. My favorite are the owls, so cute

  17. I went to a garage sale the other day and they were selling their grandma's salt and pepper shakers and there was, no lie, like 30 of them. You would have pee'd yourself.

    Thanks for commenting my blog :)


  18. Nice! Now I'm going to want to send you pictures of cool shakers I see.

    I collect the letter 's'. I used to collect metal robots, but I've recently taken them down.


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