Monday, December 26, 2011

Photo Dump Christmas Edition 2011


 Just Dance 3 is so fun!

 yoga pants from Brinsley

 stocking goodies

 Noah got me a vintage bubble gum machine I was so suprized I cried lol
 Brinsley got me vintage luggage they know me so well :)
 Johnny got me TOMS I was very spoiled this year for sure
 Hello Kitty PJ's they are so warm

I did not get any pictures really of anyone else presents because we were too busy enjoying them but Noah got a new skateboard, skullcandy headphones, some Vans lots of others goodies

Brinsley got make up, clothes and shoes etc.

Johnny got head phones, itunes card, ihome, and gift cards

How was your Christmas?

I am spending my last day off getting the house in some kind of order!

BTW it looks like Johnny is smoking a cigarette but is a sucker!!


Pam said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! Lots of fun things.
Happy New Year

Miki said...

Your presents are so cool! ;D You must have been a really good girl this year! ;D

And I'd totally like to try one of those dancing games! :p

Merry Christmas, Carrie! Hope you have a wonderful week! ;D


ashleymoranyoga said...

Merry Christmas!!!

With Love, Jamie said...

What a merry Christmas!! Love all the Hello Kitty :)

Unknown said...

Oh yay! I'm glad you got your gumball machine.

Elise said...

Love it, Carrie!! My sister-in-law LOVES her some Hello Kitty, too, and I was telling her about you yesterday!! hahahaha!!! I said, you should see all this stuff a friend sent her. My mom got Tanya some Hello Kitty socks and you would have thought she died and went to Heaven!!
Glad you had a wonderful Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

It's funny how everyone's Christmas is similar yet different. Looks like you had a great time Carrie. I did too, I was blessed. -Ana