Monday, June 18, 2012

Birthday Weekend

Noah turned 16 on the 9th but we all came down with the flu so his birthday was not that well celebrated this weekend we headed out of town for some fun!!!!
 First stop was Steak 'N Shake which I have to say was really good
 then Frankie's Fun park we had a ball putt-putt, go carts, video games and laser tag
the boys put their tickets together to get me a Domo stuff animal and its a nerd too!!!!

I think Noah had a great birthday!



Meg said...

I love that he turned 16 but you guys celebrated at a fun park as a family~ awesome! Great pics!

Marla Rae Morrison said...

Happy Birthday Noah! It looks like you guys had a great time! So much fun! : )

Unknown said...

Looks like fun! Love the domo guys. :-)