Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Paperback Pumpkins

I have been seeing these cute pumpkins made out of books everywhere so I just had to make one well two for now, so easy and so great! Sorry the pictures are so bright without the flash it was too dark with the flash it looks like this.

Now I am going to try to get some stuff done everything has been crazy this week sick kids, my husband started working a new shift that is going to take some getting use to I just can't seem to get anything done. I hope everyone has a great day!


April said...

Hi Carrie,

First of all, you've been tagged! Go to my blog and check it out. Secondly, how in the world do you make those cute pumpkins out of books? I'm dying to know! :)

Darlene said...

Cute, CUTE....I actually bought a 10 cent, knew I wouldn't read it book, just the other day for the specific purpose of making one of these pumpkins. Yours turned out soooooo GREAT!!!

the undomesticated wife said...

Very cute, I'm impressed!

Anonymous said...

They turned out cute! Such a cute project. Your grave yard turned out very festive as well. Now if you could just paint your cat black, it would be perfect! He'd make a good witches kitty!

Valarie Lea said...

Those are so cute! Good job :)

The Berry's Patch said...

Oh, they turned out cute! I'm thinking of doing this project as well. I just have to sneak two books from my hubby. :-)

Marie said...

CUTE! I've seen those book pumpkins on other blogs but I'm not sure I can actually DO THAT to a book. Well....maybe if Bill O'Rielly has a paperbook I could be persuaded. ha ha

Unknown said...

Marie I understand my son was like mama I can't believe YOU would do that to one of your precious books. But trust me these books were so bad the best thing you could do with them is turn them into pumpkins!

Katie said...

very cute - you are so crafty!

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

Cute :)

Robyn Beele said...

That is just the cutest thing ever! I hope everyone is feeling better!

Georgia Girl said...

Carrie...these are cute. I have seen them all over and I tried to do one but must have missed something. Can you explain how to do them?

Meg said...

So cute!!

Ms. Tee said...

Very cute - love that idea! I'm with Cherry. It would be hard to do, since I love books so much, but maybe I could do it to an old textbook or something! :)

Our Complete Family said...

Cute, cute, cute! I bet they were fun to make! Happy Thursday hun~ Les

Kimba said...

Hi Carrie! Great post! I love your book pumpkin.

I can't believe that I'm still making my way around to visit everyone.

Thanks for coming to my party!
Happy halloween,

Tausha said...

I bought crappy harlequin romance novels for the purpose of the pumpkins.
They were pretty fun huh? Do you want to try a turkey as well now? My hubby thinks that i still should spray paint them orange. I told him-no one else did that.
He do doesn't get it1

Tausha said...

I bought crappy harlequin romance novels for the purpose of the pumpkins.
They were pretty fun huh? Do you want to try a turkey as well now? My hubby thinks that i still should spray paint them orange. I told him-no one else did that.
He do doesn't get it1

Jenni said...

Oh, those are so cute; they turned out great! I love the "faces" you gave them, too! :)