in the world. I have always wanted a doll house. I love them my passion for decorating started with a dollhouse and of course Barbie's pink dream house. I did not really play with Barbie I decorated the house then my sisters played. Well my sweet wonderful husband bought me a doll house its a early Valentine present. I am so excited!

Any suggestion about colors, decor? Played Apples to Apples very fun!
How sweet of Johnny!! I love doll houses!
I have this very house I bought my daughter at a garage sale when she was younger.I think I had more fun creating and decorating it then she did. I made the furniture, wall papered it, painted it etc! I hope you post all about yours as you put it together! I can live it again through you....hugs
What if you made it look like a beach cottage??
Ha Valarie my thought exactly!
Sooo cute! What a great gift! It's funny that you posted this, my friend and I were recently talking about how fun it would be to build a dollhouse!
-Ruth Ann
This is sooooo sweet. You know, I completely "get" your doll house interest. I have a five-year old daughter and I bought her a doll house because I wanted to play with it!!
What a sweet little house. And how fun to put it together and decorate it! You have a very wonderful hubby!
How sweet of your hubby! I saw some of these at Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago and thought they were so cute...They even have all the neatest furniture and other things for the house. So cute! Can't wait to see the finish product.
That is so sweet of your hubby! Have lots of fun decorating!
how sweet of your hubby! And I'm glad to see I'm not the only adult who has a dollhouse. I have always been fascinated by minatures and I bought a dollhouse years ago. But my kids were young and it wasn't the best thing to have around when I was trying to build it. So it's up in the attic and one day I'll get it down and finish it.
can't wait to see your's.......and I think the beach idea is great!
Cute!!! And gotta love a good man! Kudos to Johnny!!!
That will be a fun project!
That is such a sweet thing your hubby did for you! You'll have such fun with it, I'm sure!
Ooh, I love it!! I have decorating ADD so I can't tell you just one way to decorate it!!
OOO I have a thing for DOLL HOUSES! I use to have one..HMMM I do not not have the doll house anymore but some of the little things that went with it. OOOO OUR AC MOORE has a whole section of Furniture and stuff...If you are on the hunt for something let me know...I always have 40 percent coupons and such.
oh, oh. How fun. Can't wait to see it. My daughter has a dollhouse and I love playing with it. One day when that corner is clean(probably not soon), I'll have to post a picture.
I was also given a doll house a few weeks ago for me, but it needs lots and lots of work.
I'm going to e-mail you some links dollhouse links when I can get them together.
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