This is us before we left

Brinsley and Noah in the car

Playing cards

At the Ribley's museum

Now that is one big hand

Then to the Aquarium it was really cool

The jelly fish were so cool

Noah picking up a sand crap

Us on the river it was around 65 degrees outside it was so nice

A picture of the inside of the cabin

The hot tub

Big boy and the snow man

The snow was so beautiful we had a hard time getting down the mountain.

We had a really great time but I promise I will not bored you with anymore pictures. Now I am off to get caught up around the house.
Bob's Big Boy cracks me up! I've not been to the aquarium in the Smokies...didn't realize there was one. Have you been to the one in Chattanooga? It's amazing! You have such a great looking family, Carrie...are you sure you aren't still in your teens? I'm not convinced! :)
I love the fun! What a cute snowman! Big Boy's...was it white sauce or orange sauce? Depends on the area!
Sandy toe
How fun! Looks like you guys had a great time! Now I can't wait to go to the mountains again. I love going there!
Wow, you got some awesome photos!!!!
Great pictures Carrie! What fun! I love the one of the kids in front of the river - they look so happy!
it's not boring....I love your pics. What fun! And you just look so young.....but I bet you get that all of the time. Glad you and your Johnny boy (and kids) had such a great time!!
Cute pictures, Carrie! I can't believe how warm it was! :)
What great pics of a great time together! So glad you had a fun getaway but happy you're back here, too!
Happy day wishes~ Les
That really looks like fun, and it really is making me want to get away. :)
That looks like so much fun, and wow, you kids look like they are actually getting along, what's your trick!!! Love that kitchen, all the pictures are great!
I love the pictures, espc the ones at the river! I'm loving all of them. Looks like yall had fun. I am still so jealous!!
And how's the baby?
Great pictures! I love going to aquariums.
Pigeon Forge is so pretty. We went there last year. I like Gatlinburg too. Snow? How fun. That really makes it seem like the mountains. Hope you are feeling recharged after a little vacation.
Love your site. Your kids look like they enjoy each other. My sons are the best of friends. What's with the big boy?
Looks like y'all had so much fun!! That snow is so pretty.
I like Big Boy! Looks like ya'll had a great time. This place is on my wish list of places to visit.
Looks like everyone had a great time! I've been to the aquarium in Galitlinburg, and it was fun.
They say that the best part of a trip it the excitement of the trip to come and the pictures...seems like that is what lasts the longest! Looks like you guys had a ice time...what a nice place.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh this looks amazing!! Your family is so adorable!!! and the jellyfish picture.. oohh that's smashing!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!
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