I wanted to give myself some hint of the warm weather to comeI know those are alot of peppers Johnny is doing a salsa garden this year I am doing a small veggie and herb garden.
I also picked up a few bird feeders for my kitchen window. Here is some parsley already coming up.
Ok any advice on gardening would be greatly appreciated do any you have gardens? What is your best gardening tip?
Have a great day girls!
HMMM....I actually love to mix herbs such as mint, rosemary, basil lavender in with my flowers.
I love also to put pepper plants in sometimes for the mixture of colors...I know weird..LOL SUNFLOWERS are super super fun to grow. I do start all this in them in the house.
I don't know much about gardening, but I know my bulbs are sprouting. Probably means it's going to snow!
I'm very good at growing houseplants, but I haven't a clue how to grow a garden! Wish I did! Good luck on finding your "green thumb"! I'm sure it will all turn out great!
I have no advice but I would so love to plant a yummy garden myself!
How fun...I am new at gardening to...we are going to have one this summer again..it's fun and the kids love it!
~Sandy toe
It looks like you are going to have a great garden. We don't garden. Too many critters out here. Even in the mulch beds we have to plant deer resistant things. I'd like to try growing some tomato plants in a pot though.
It looks like you have planted a bunch already. Are these in your house right now??? If so how are you keeping your kitty out of them?
How exciting Carrie! I know, I am getting excited for Spring. I think I am going to try square foot gardening this year. I am really excited about it!
I have nothing, except a good fertilizer like manure will do wonders.
My Father In Law does our Garden and thats what he does.
Hello Carrie; I am waiting for spring too. I had my first garden last year, I was so excited, but I over planted and it looked like a jungle.. lol I could hardly get in it,,, I am making a herb garden too, oh and my garden tip is........
Don't forget to water... lol
Oh how neat! You'll have to document your garden's progress and share through photographs!!!
We need to start planting. But I can't give you advice--I have a black thumb! Ben plants everything. I love it to death!
Good for you! The weather was beautiful today! I am definitely ready for spring!
But I know nothing about gardening. So I am no help there :o)
You go girl! Maybe you can mail us some homemade salsa this summer.
Sorry! I can't help you with any tips as all!
I am off to read more posts here to see if your sister had Andrew yet!
Sorry I don't have any tips but wish you lots of luck! We are doing a garden this year too!
I have picked you for a blogger award, come see me to pick it up!
I am SO over the snow! I grew up with a huge garden - I NEVER had bought from the store produce growing up. But so far hubby and I haven't had a garden of our own, but we're planning to this year!
Its all we can do to keep up with the pecan trees & their needs so we dont plant a garden any more. We have a friend that grows produce so we swap out or buy from him & his family. It is work enough trying to put it all up! We always put up Corn, all kinds of peas, tomatoes, blue berrys, peaches, and beans from his farm. I like the idea of a salsa garden!! That stuff is sooooooo goooodddd!!!
I have advice on the herb garden: Some herbs like rosemary can get huge so make sure to plant them far apart. Nick is planning on planting a herb garden this year also. Good Luck!
Wow, look at the parsley already! The only thing I ever plant is basil grows like a wild weed and mint great for drinks! That is all I can offer! Maybe watching your garden I will learn a few things. We are no where near planting season.
Look at you go getting all ready for spring! I haven't gardened for years :)
I start my seeds indoors first, old muffin tins I picked up at the second hand store. And chicken menure. woo hoo does that ever stink!...lol
Here's my gardening tip for the day.....buy your plants from a reputable garden center or grower :) thanks for supporting us farmers!
Wow. You just inspired me. I need to get some seeds out and get to work as well.
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