I haven't felt good today so I got this little prize to brighten my day (and it has) I just love all the Mario games do you? I would recommend this game :D

I know this was a very random post I haven't had a very inspiring week with everyone being sick! What do ya'll do to keep yourself inspired or in good spirits? I would love to know
Hugs and Loves
We have the Super Mario Brothers for the Wii and it is very addicting. I usually just read or watch TV and try to stay relaxed when I am dealing with sickies!! Hope everyone feels better soon.♥
I like Baby Mario or Koopa!
When we are sick we just lay around with our blankies and watch movies. I guess I am of no help
Sorry you have sickies and you are also under the weather. I hope you are feeling better for the weekend.
I love playing Sam's ds with Monkey Ball and Mario Cart.
wow I haven't played a Mario game in forever! Maybe I need to get that for my DS!
I think Yoshi is cute too!
To get in good spirits it's chocolate all the way! ha ha
I don't have any games, but I do mess with the computer to keep my day moving. Since the world of blogging came to me, I can spend many hours visiting all my friends.
I am sorry you guys are sick! I love to lay around and watch movies or the Food Network!
I love Yoshi, too! Although in Mario Kart I usually play the mushrooms - I like getting the super mushroom!
Yoshi is super cute!! I haven't been very inspired lately either. I think maybe its bc I have been in the house ALL week! Once I get out and walk around outside or go shopping I get inspiration for fun stuff :) Hope you are feeling better!!
Hope your enjoying the new game. When I am sick, I usually watch tv or read. I love to read and get so disappointed when I run out of interesting books. Probably why I read the twilight series twice! lol
Take care,
I love, love, love Mario. Super Mario Bros was the first game we bought for our Wii. It takes me back to childhood.
I love playing Super Mario! Koopa is my favorite character, but Yoshi is a close second! I'm completely addicted to Dig Dug, however! ;)
I hope you feel better. Ben was running a fever for two days and just now got better--it's like everything shuts down when everyone's sick!
I hope you get to feeling better!!! I LOVE Mario!
Oh how I love Mario!! I have not tried this game out yet. Princess is my fav character :) I have beaten super mario world on Haydens DS game.. SOOOO addicting!!
I love Mario games. I tend to choose Princess when we play MarioKart.
You know I love some Mario, we were raised in the same Super Mario World. I look to my family for inspiration.
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