Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentines Day!!!!

I know a lot of people don't really get into Valentines but I love having a day to show the people in my life how much they mean to me

Johnny grilled us a great steak dinner
 he bought Brinsley and I flowers I forgot to get a picture of hers (Noah got a M & M bubblegum machine)
 I wore these cute shoes to work
 our Valentine mantle
 and I got my new phone :)
Happy Valentine's
Love always,


April said...

I'd say your Valentine's Day turned out pretty great!

Unknown said...

Looks like you had an awesome Valentine's Day! Love your phone :)

Unknown said...

I agree re v-day. What's bad about a holiday focusing on the people you love? :-)

Meg said...


Savories of life said...

Ijust found your blog! I think we can become friends. Come see my goveaway!